Medical Billing Training Videos below are FREE and can help you understand what medical billing is all about, and what it takes to do medical billing for a medical practice or billing service. The free medical billing training videos below are based upon a web based medical billing software - the medical billing data can be accessed across the internet.
Learn how easy it is to work from home, and do medical billing across the internet through our free medical billing training videos. Click on any numbered video link below to begin!
Free Medical Billing Training
These free medical billing training videos are to be viewed with the understanding that they don't constitute actual medical billing coding or training. The purpose of the medical billing training is to give those who don't know much about the medical billing industry an idea of what to expect. Also, keep in mind medical billing to a degree depends upon the medical software used.
Free Training Videos!
Click on a numbered link to begin watching the free medical billing training videos!
Videos with an * asterisk are videos targeted for the medical practice's front office staff like scheduling appointments and entering in patient data etc.
Medical Billing Consulting, Onsite and Web-based Training:
We provide medical billing onsite or web-based consulting and training on medical billing software, and as a reseller software sales. Our clients enjoy:
Office Flow - effective integration of medical billing software with office
Analysis - use of most efficient medical billing features, best practices
Auditing Users - how to manage and audit users within Central Billing Office key
Reports - basic medical billing reports to help identify money flow including EDI
Collections - specific screens and reports to identify billing issues and collections
Carrier Billing - auditing exclusions reports and finding insurance's pay date
Patient Billing - quickly identify statement issues and electronic billing
Medical Billing Training Video Reviews
"Anyway what I have seen so far seems great, well done, I am learning about billing pretty quickly now." - Graham - United Kingdom