Access 2007 Training Videos

Microsoft Access 2007 training videos from Dream Force — online training solutions. Free Access 2007 tips for Microsoft Access 2007 users.

Access 2007

Microsoft 2007 Training Tour:
Web-based Training

Table Field Properties

What are the Table's field properties in Access 2007? The Table field properties are used to control the properties of a specified field. For example, you can set the properties up for say the First Name field to always turn lowercase letters into uppercase. You can control the amount of characters a user can enter into a field say five for a zip code. Another popular property control is requiring data before a record can be saved. Like the Name field, a user can't save the record and will receive an error explaining why the record can't be saved. That is until the user types in the client's name in the Name field. Also, you can color code text based upon specified criteria!

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