Access 2007 Training Videos

Microsoft Access 2007 training videos from Dream Force — online training solutions. Free Access 2007 tips for Microsoft Access 2007 users.

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Import CSV Files

How do I import a CSV data file into Access 2007? A CSV file is a Comma Separate Values file. Meaning that data fields are separated by commas. So wherever there's a split from one data field to another there's a comma. However, when you open up a CSV file with the Excel 2007 program you won't see the commas, but the data will be separated by the cells you see in the Excel spreadsheet. You could easily save the CSV file as an Excel 2007 .xlsx file or even as an earlier Excel file and still be able to import the data just as easily as you would as CSV file. Follow the steps in our Access 2007 training videos and you'll see how it's done by our Microsoft Certified Trainer!

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