Medical Billing Training Online at Home

Medical Billing Training from Home from Dream Force — online training solutions. Free medical billing training tips for medical billing services training.

Medical Billing Training

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Web Medical Billing TrainingWeb-based Training

Debit Adjustment Codes

Adjustments can either decrease (write-offs), or increase (debit adjustments) the responsible party's account balance. There are two functions or attributes tied to increasing a Debit Adjustment on a patient's account is: One to offset over paid money, or to hold money to later refund. This means that you do have money, but don't want to include or show it as actual revenue to you practice. Another reason for increasing a responsible party's balance could be non-sufficient funds (NSF) check fee. A non procedural charge. This training tutorial will go through the proper steps of creating and editing Debit Adjustment Codes that can be used in your office.

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