Excel 2007 Training Videos

Microsoft Excel 2007 training videos from Dream Force — online training solutions. Free Excel 2007 tips for Microsoft Excel 2007 users.

Excel 2007

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AutoFill Feature in Excel 2007

The AutoFill feature in Excel 2007 is used to continue a pattern either of formulas or values. For example, say you have the months Jan and Feb, and you want to continue on with filling in the rest of the months without typing them in. First hover over the lower-right corner of the Feb cell until you see a black cross. That's the AutoFill handle. Click and drag that AutoFill handle to the right, or down to fill or Auto Fill in the rest of the months for you. This same feature can also be used to "automatically" fill in consecutive formulas. Save you have 5 columns with a total cell on each column. Create a formula for one of the five and then AutoFill in the rest of the columns!

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