Access 2007 Training Videos

Microsoft Access 2007 training videos from Dream Force — online training solutions. Free Access 2007 tips for Microsoft Access 2007 users.

Access 2007

Microsoft 2007 Training Tour:
Web-based Training

Normalizing Tables

What it Normalizing a Table in Access 2007? Normalizing is breaking a table down into it's smallest, most meaning table. For example, if you were handed a database by a less knowledgeable database administrator who lumped all of the data into one table including: Client's data, Orders, Shipping, Employees etc. then you'd want to breakdown, or Normalize the data from one table down into separate tables. For example, the Client's data including their name, address, phone, website would be listed all in one table. The opposite would be to Denormalize. Putting all unrelated data, including fields that may contain occasional blanks into one table.

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