Access 2007 Training Videos

Microsoft Access 2007 training videos from Dream Force — online training solutions. Free Access 2007 tips for Microsoft Access 2007 users.

Access 2007

Microsoft 2007 Training Tour:
Web-based Training

Create Tables

What is a table used for and how do I create one in Access 2007? A table is an "object" in your Access database that is the foundation of the database. You see this object hold all the data of the database. You can add data either directly to the table or through another object called Forms. Yes, just like the forms you see when you purchase a product on a website. The forms contains field to request specific data from you and once filled in and accepted, the data from the form gets dumped into a table of cells. By default when you create a blank database in Access 2007 it also opens up a blank table for you; however, you don't have to use it at that time and simply close it.

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